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The Liebster Award

Writer: RabbyRabby

Thank you so much,  @ordinarybynana For nominating me for the Liebster Award!

Its really encouraging to have been nominated as a newly discovered blog. yay! 🙂

Following The Official Rules of the Liebster Award, i’m going to answer 11 questions about myself.

  1. What is your strongest conviction?

My strongest conviction is that I exist to fulfill a purpose, and that purpose revolves around and is rooted in Jesus.

  1. How would you describe yourself in one word?


  1. In 30 years’ time, at this particular moment, what would you like to be doing, and where would you like to be?

Probably writing my 6th book. Or sitting with my husband and children, not doing anything in particular.

  1. What is your name? Does it inform in any way, your perception about yourself?

My name has NO influence in my perception about myself. AT ALL. I Think if anything, it set the bar for what I should NOT be. LOL! And this is why:

My name is Ewurabena Ewudziwa Hagan.

Ewurabena – (Literally translated) Lady born on Tuesday.

Ewudziwa – (In fante it means) Wickedness / Murderess

Hagan – -_-… Its my father’s name. I don’t know the meaning, please.

  1. If you were hosting your favourite people to dinner, what would you cook for them?

I would really not cook, if it were my favourite people. LOL! We’d probably decide a menu, based on how we’re feeling at the time, and cook together. 😀

  1. If you would someday write a book, what genre would it be?

This is a difficult question to answer. I did write a book, it was drama. I wrote another that didn’t get published and was horror/adventure

The next one I would like to work on will be based on a true story and will be a little bit of comedy, mystery, adventure, and romance.

  1. Do you or did you like school?

HA! So this question is hard to answer. I hated learning. -_- but I loved the experience of meeting new people and experiencing school drama.

  1. If you are Christian, what is your favorite bible verse? If not, have you heard any that you liked?

I am a Christian; I think it changes as I discover more of God. The very first I fell in love with was: Ecclesiastes 3:! ‘To everything, there is a season; a time for every purpose under heaven.’

Currently, it is: John 17. 3 “…  and this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.’

Somewhere between those two, my favorite was: Ecclesiastes 12:13 ‘This is the end of the matter. All has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.’

  1. What is the most beautiful thing to you?

I am a very indecisive person but for the sake of this questionnaire, I will say beautiful scenery. (Mind you, this varies from a mother breastfeeding her baby, to a sunset, to the ocean’s waves, to the horizon at night)

  1. Listening or talking, which one do you enjoy doing most?

Oh wow… this is hard. I don’t think I can pick between the two. This will definitely be talking. I think I have a lot to say about a lot of things. 🙂

  1. Who or what would you never forget? Why?

What: I will never forget my mistakes. They’re pretty much stuck in my head permanently.

Who: This is a very long list, I’ll rather not bore you with it. 🙂


The next instruction, eleven Facts about me!!!

Here we go…

  1. I love the color black

  2. I’m obsessed with babies

  3. I let offences go easily

  4. I enjoy daydreaming

  5. I enjoy streaming TV shows (series)

  6. Im not a fan of cake.

  7. If its not Snickers, don’t talk to me

  8. They say I’ve written two books. I actually published two.

  9. I enjoy singing

  10. Kelewele is forever. Jollof should take a seat.

  11. I would like to dance for a living. Like be a choreographer.

Each of the following blogs have personally made me gasp at least once because of their posts. They inspire me, and they’re worth every read (in my opinion).

If you choose to accept this nomination, kindly answer these questions.

  1. What would you want to be remembered for when you die. (We will all die one day.)

  2. What’s you’re take on forgiveness?

  3. Pizza or Jollof?

  4. What is your strongest conviction?

  5. Do you believe in love? Why?

  6. Have you ever been bullied? Or have you ever bullied anyone? What do you remember most about that experience.

  7. Apart from writing, what talent do you have, or wish you had?



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