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Writer: RabbyRabby

Its been a cold long minute! I want to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of you who stuck around and waited (patiently and impatiently😂) for me to get back to writing on this blog.

Over the past year and three months, I’ve learnt so much about myself and the state of mind I used to live in. I’ll open up on the topic of comfort today, and I hope it will be a blessing to you. 

Before I moved into a new home with my husband, I wasn’t the decision maker. “Mommy and Daddy” had everything on lockdown. Even if they were unaware that drinking water (for example) was almost  finished, all I needed to do was let them know, and whatever happened after that ceased to be my headache. I was comfortable. In retrospect, I took that comfortable life for granted. Even more, I’m convinced that comfort was misplaced.

Growing up, my parents instilled a culture of prayer; we prayed every morning as a family. No matter how late you were, you MUST say a prayer with everyone else and hold hands to say ‘The Grace’. I remember one of the things that we usually said “thank you” to God for, was his provision. 

It wasn’t until I moved out of my parents house that I questioned myself; was God providing for me or was it my parents? Because I would say “God will provide” but deep down in my heart, I knew I had plans of asking “mommy and daddy”, knowing very well that they will move all heaven and earth to provide what I needed.

So I was a very comfortable young lady, because I lived under my parents roof, oblivious that it was God’s mercies I saw every morning and it was His hand that provided all that I needed.

 I don’t live with my parents anymore. My husband and I are the ones who must remember to restock on items at home. We’re the same people responsible for running the home in every way. Now that the tables have really turned, it has been VERY eye opening for me. 

Now, I know how it feels to step out of the house saying, “Father, I don’t know how I’ll get through today but I’m trusting and depending on you” and believe it- because it’s true!

Now, when my husband and I have conversations about dreams, plans, bills or projects and we say, “God will provide,” we mean it because it’s the truth. It’s the truth that we walk with daily, in the spirit and power of God.

God has taught me about grace. He has taught me about sufficiency. He has taught me about contentment. I have learnt to trust Him, believe His word, and wait for His promises.

I saw an image that one of my favourite lecturers posted on Facebook. I saw it just when I was about to write this piece and it was literally an answered prayer. (I was asking God how I can explain what he’s taught me in the way He wants me to-) Here’s what I saw: 

Grace For Glory

So this is one of the testimonies that have been brewing in my life: that I have had God provide all my needs- according to His riches in Glory. I have been at points where I cannot foresee where the next miracle is going to pop up from, but my posture was one of readiness: “Father, I’m your handmaiden and I am here for all of this!” 

I share this to encourage someone. Are you unconsciously depending on someone / something else for your sufficiency? Is God your pillar and foundation? What are you bunking your hopes on? 

Stay blessed! Love you all!

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