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Life Long Lessons

Writer: RabbyRabby

I’ve thought through the past four years of my life. I spent them well in Ashesi, even though I would have had other options if I had applied to; Claremont McKenna, Pomona and a couple of others. I believed Ashesi would be different and I got in and made the most of it. Four years in Ashesi was a life-changing experience that left a wealth of knowledge in me although I was never overly active (LOL). Thinking through the various things I could’ve learnt and the actual things I learnt, I’ll share a few stories(and pictures!😊).

Ashesi Courtyard Gates

The Gates to Archer Cornfield Courtyard at Ashesi

If I were a bookworm, I would’ve learnt that putting in the work yields a lot of results. I would have gotten above-average scores in every course and been satisfied with each result. I would’ve learnt that I may not always meet my target in life, but the process is as rewarding as the end-result… If I earned it, I should enjoy it.

If I were a socialite or fashionista, I would’ve learnt how to dress appropriately for each occasion. I would’ve learnt from experience that it takes a lot of effort to live up to the name I have set for myself. I would’ve also realized that getting comfortable in an environment is inevitable, (if you stay there for a long time) in such a situation, I’ve learnt the need to make a choice to relax or keep myself on my toes. I would’ve even learnt the value of dressing up for my personal reasons and not to impress

If I were carefree, I would’ve learnt that responsibilities are necessary, though sometimes unwanted. I would’ve hated each deadline, probably because I would only find out about a submission a few hours before the deadline. Through this, I would’ve learnt how to work under pressure and still produce quality work (quality is very relative, just FYI).


Archer Cornfield Courtyard at Ashesi

If I hated school, I would find a way of blaming Ashesi for every single problem I had. I would be grumpy most of the time I spend doing academic activities, and would master the art of counting down. I would be delighted when the semester came to an end, and I would dread the first day of class enough to stay home an extra week.

If I was a spiritual person, I would understand that Ashesi is NOT a religious school. On my spiritual growth journey, I would learn how to be gracious to others. I will be educated on the types of beliefs that are rational and irrational.

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life size chessboard at the Engineering Building at Ashesi

If I was an atheist, I would realize that it’s a new disting in this Ghana. I mean, people can just not understand this concept with the kind of socialization you get in a Ghanaian home. I would learn that some people just can’t help but force their religious beliefs on you, or look down on you for your diverse opinion and beliefs. I would probably have known this before I got into Ashesi, but things get pretty real on those hills.

If I were an entrepreneur, I would find a way to make some money in school. I would think outside the box and make it happen quick because my days on Ashesi soil are numbered. I would also start thinking of life after I leave campus and think of people I could partner with to start the brilliant ideas that I keep getting.

If I was discovering myself, I would not hesitate to try new things and talk to new people. I would definitely put all theories of university to the test and ensure that I have enough memories to carry me through the first four year in the world of work.

I was a few of these things and none of these things. I’m a writer who put down her craft (for waaaay to long), made new friends and acquaintances, hurt some feelings and mended broken bridges and was never concerned about what I wore or how I looked (even when my friends would be embarrassed by my dressing habits). I partied hard at a point, grew up at another point and learnt how to have fun within my means (and within the restrictions my parents gave me) while managing to not fail any course (even though my attitude towards school was begging for it). I made very stupid choices, I cried a lot, laughed even more, made very good choices, started initiatives, projects and businesses, co-headed the student body leadership, learnt more about people than I thought I would, and completed the cycle of imperfection.


Aerial view of Ashesi

I’ve had an awfully full plate over the past four years and I would do it all over again – the very same way. I told myself in my second year that to make it through, I need to know what works best for me, constantly remind myself that my parents are waiting to see their money’s worth, and look to God for strength… now look, I made it! Big thanks to Ashesi for the lessons,  and one more step along the world I go!



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