Bitter Honey is a Ghanaian-based series, centered around the Quartey family. Kojo Quartey; a taxi driver, his wife Aba; who runs a bank’s canteen, and their three children; Kuku, Abena and Maama live through a series of fortunate and unfortunate events. The Bitter Honey series tells the story of different bittersweet experiences that build their characters and teach them life lessons. Enjoy.
Kojo was so relieved to be out of the house. He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he didn’t want to go back home until his wife got back from work.
Hopefully, he’ll be able to clear his head and be in a better mood when she returns.
He was passing by a taxi rank where three men were in a serious discussion. One of the men looked very polished. He definitely wasn’t a taxi driver. The other two on the other hand, fit the part.
The polished man looked disappointed. Kojo was curious. He walked up to them, admiring the taxi the polished man was leaning on.
“That’s a very nice car.” Kojo said when he was close enough.
“It is, isn’t it? Trying to get this sold to a taxi driver, but they’ve all got cars they’re not looking to dispose of.”
Kojo was shocked, “You’re selling this car? As a taxi?”
He looked at the car. It was a 2013 Toyota Corolla that had been recently painted. The car looked too clean to be a taxi or even an unwanted taxi.
Kojo joined the discussion, suggesting to the polished man that he shouldn’t sell the car as a taxi and that he may get someone to be interested in buying the car if it were not painted red yellow and black.
Frank (the polished man) explained, “A year before my father died, he gave me this to help me get on my feet. I recently got a very good job that offered me a better car and this car has been redundant since. I have been trying to sell this car for about a year but I have not gotten any luck.”
By now, the taxi drivers that Frank had been talking to had left, unconcerned about Frank’s predicament.
Frank went on and asked; “Do you know anyone at your office who knows someone who wants to get a good car or something?”
Kojo shook his head, still admiring the car, “No, I’m not employed. The only people I meet often cannot afford to buy a car,” He was talking about his neighbours.
Frank looked intently at Kojo, “Why don’t you buy it? Like work with it, as a driver and pay off monthly,”
Kojo hadn’t thought about this. “Errr…”
Frank insisted, “What d’you think? It could help you in the meantime. Till you find a job?”
Kojo could practically see his life changing if he took this job. He hadn’t even thought about doing that, and it amazed him that it was an option he had missed.
But what a good option this was! He would rather do this than stay at home daily, pinning away a life that could have been.
“I think that is a very good idea,”
***To be Continued***