Dear X,
You’re not just the 24th letter of the alphabet.
Yes, it’s difficult forming words around you- but maybe that’s because of our history.
I hated that subject, by the way.
History- stories of truths that were and could’ve led to a whole different lifetime.
It’s been lifetimes since I thought about this, but to me you’re not just the 24th letter of the alphabet.
No, yours came long before chapter 20, and you were detailed in my book before I even met you.
How can I forget you?
You were three learning curves in my life’s journey…
Three busted tires and I’m still on the road.
You were gifts;
You lit a path on the road I fear to tread.
Then, I was a fool rushing in- away from God knows what…
I don’t regret you, because I had to get by you…
You were one of the cracks in my broken road… but God bless the broken road that got me here.